Build a Better Culture

Result: Conventional Supervisor

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Your quiz result indicates your approach to supervising is a more classic managerial style which typically doesn’t emphasize connection and trust building with direct reports (probably because you’ve been influenced by a Conventional Supervisor style with your past supervisors).

Plus, you’re overworked, understaffed, and under resourced. You don’t have room for one more responsibility beyond meeting your supervisor’s expectations. Investing in your relationship with your direct report sends you over the edge to beyond capacity. I get it.

Here’s the good news: You have a lot to gain by practicing some simple strategies that dramatically improve communication, productivity and morale. Even if you just don’t feel a connection with a direct report. Considerate behavior is an action, not a feeling. It grows with practice, and a little practice adds up over time.

Request the free customized guide and practice its strategies as your next best step to hone your leadership skills, advance your career and avoid burnout.

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